Monday, November 21, 2011

Detcon: Back to Teenage-hood

November sure is a month for lovebirds! I attended so many weddings this month till I almost running out of decent clothes hehehe... Last Saturday, I and my friends from ITS Online was happy to attended one of our teammates wedding reception in ITS Point magazine, the official magazine of 10 Nopember Institute of Technology. I must admit that the journey to the wedding location was really tiring, since we spent almost two hours on the road (thank's to the traffic).

Soon after the wedding reception ended, we felt it such a waste to just going home after the hard working to caught the place hehe... So one of my friend, Huda, pointed out the idea we-visit-Detcon, a wall-magazine convention of youth that held by Deteksi Jawa Pos which located not far away from our friend's wedding place. Don't be fooled with the terms 'youth'. Youth here means teenager a.k.a high school kids... :p

Afterall, despite the fact that most of us are in our final year in college, we just visited that 'teenager' event... and later greeted as "Sir... Madam..." Oh my... I didn't expected that we looked like that old! But maybe it's just the clothes we wore... X))

The event itself was quite fun! Enjoy the snapshots! :)

High school kids nowadays really know how to style X))
There were also scrapbook competition there... Coolness.


Sure we were the most well dressed-up visitor that time! X))

Well, a bit news from me is I got another hysteria since next week I'm going to have my second bar. God, I am really looking forward to it, but please don't let me get the first turn please? Since I started the first bar late can I just get the extra time to do the progress?? *praying seriously*

Please pray for me and wish me luck, eh, guys?  Oh yes, I'll make this bar as an excuse to not blogging for few days ahead... Aww really know me :">

Thankies for the kindness and your drop-by to my blog. I love you all! *smooches*

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