Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Geek is in This Blog

I know I know I was a gadget geek! I have just found a scheduled feature in my blog couple weeks ago. Haha... it's so lame, huh? Yes you can laugh in front of my face, I admitted it ;p Go on!

The really helpful thing about this feature is I can write several post and schedule it to appear once a day. It’s good to make a continuous post appearing in my blog! No more hiatus because of no-time or no-mood when I can make deposit! My blog simply look like it’s live every day hehehe *devil smirk* It's really genius invention, dear Blogspot! :D

See you around people!! Anyway this post also made with that scheduled post feature hihi…


arcadra said...

: " uruk i tyyzzzz "

tyzha said...

haha..opone sing diuruki chee..kan wes tak kasi gambar itu..pas write new post lihat sidebar kanan ajaa..nah ada scheduled postnya.gampang kok! :)