Later, things went much better between Tom and us. I mean more talks; not a very far gap of age let us talk about movie, music and daily life in same view, more laughs; let me see you seeing him mimics a 8th year old girl saying 'Daddyyy daddyyy.... I want a blackberry.. ' then stomp his feet while saying 'Nooo.. I want Blackberry not Blueberryyy...' with all those annoying expression... and new vocabulary! He spends most of time tease us by saying 'kamu malas' when we say 'nooo..' for the homework or practicing all his new vocab in Indonesian which most of then are not that nice in meaning... I'm wondering who teach him that inappropriate words... But, he also mock us using English which is fun cause that mean we learn new vocab in... umm unusual way hihi... So my list from the last meeting is, spoilt brat and uncultured. Two of them mean anak nakal dan manja and kampungan in Indonesian. I know what you're thinking, but still, you should admit, it's fun! And yes, it's only joking after all :D
Oh and here they go a few photos from Magnum Road Cafe.. Too bad, I didn't take pictures at all; my friends who did and most of them were blurred. I had been sick that time, my body was cold and I felt nauseous so I was just sitting and eating ice cream while they were playing around and took many many narcissistic photos hehe...
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I always amazed at fireworks, didn't you? |
Anyway, guys, what did you do when you were down? I mostly talk to my closest friend or relatives to make me feel better. But if it just too hard, you can't beat the power of pray :) And read some of some self improving books will help, give it a try :)
I'll see you soon! xoxoxoxox
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